Volumes Available
2.5/5/10/25 mL, ISO8655-3
Maximum number of applications: 5
Automatic Reagent Addition(s)
Integrated peristaltic pumps for reagent addition
Beaker Volumes Accepted
System specific beakers: Polypropylene, 50 mL & 150 mL with clips
Generic beakers supported: Up to 250 mL low form glass
Burette Motor Resolution
20,000 steps with electronic µstepping technology (128 µsteps/step)
Titrant & electrode (up to 5 buffers in Auto Mode, fixed & user defined)
Calibration Curves Display
Direct & derivative titration curves, electrode calibration curve
Calibration Intervals/Alerts/Reminder
Yes, user defined period
Safety IEC/EN 61010-1; EMC IEC/EN 61326-1
Data Export
On USB Key, CSV type, Excel compatible.
Data Memory
Last 100 samples, QC & blank analyses, last 10 calibrations
Data Storage
Date, Time, Operator IDs, Sample IDs
Display Type
5,7"; Graphic colour; VGA
IntelliCAL ("Plug & Play" digital), analog, photocolorimetric; 2 inputs available
Embedded Procedures
Tubing bubble purging, reagent priming, burette and pump replacement
Installation Category
Category II
Maintenance Scheduler
Yes, user defined
Material Enclosures
PP Latene, Silicone, Hardered Glass, POM, Stainless steel. Splashproof design
Measurement Method
Potentiometric (zero & imposed current), amperometric, colorimetric
Measurement Modes
End Point, Inflection Point — Sample, Blank, Sample with Blank, QC Sample, QC Sample with Blank
Operating Conditions
15 — 35 °C (59 — 95 °F), 20 — 80 % RH, non-condensing
Operating Humidity
20 — 80 % (non-condensing)
Operating Interface
Soft keypad (silicone)
Electrode ports (x2), USB (x2), Serial (x1), Ethernet (x1)
mV/pH, Conductivity, Temperature (°C or °F)
Password Protection
Yes, user defined
Pollution Degree
Power Requirements (Hz)
50/60 Hz
Power Requirements (Voltage)
100/240 VAC
Pump flow rate
100 mL/min
Required Application Package/s
AP0007.AT1122 Free & Total Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite, & Sulfite (Autocat)
AP0012.AT1122 Free & Total SO₂ in wine
mV/pH: ±0.1 mV / ±0.001 pH, Conductivity: ±0.5 % of reading, Temperature: ±0.3 °C
Sample Stand
Integrated, magnetic stirring, beakers up to 250 mL
Storage Conditions
-5 to 40 °C (23 to 104°F)
Supported Peripherals
Printer, PC software, balance, sample changer, keyboard, mouse, barcode reader, sampling pump, propeller stirrer
Titration Modes
Sample, blank, sample with blank, QC sample, QC sample with blank
Titration Types
Potentiometric (zero & imposed current), amperometric, colorimetric
12 months
4 kg
What's included?
Hach AT1122 Instrument, Tube Holder, Sensor Storage Tubes, Power Supply, Power Cord, Manual
Sold Separately: Don't forget to order your Application Pack and Reagents and consider purchasing a Sample Changer!