ISO octane and octane 80
Isooctane is a hydrocarbon compound with an octane fuel rating of 100. This material is used to measure the octane of gasoline and all kinds of fuels in the octane engine. Chevron Philips has produced a wide range of reference fuels to support analytical testing protocols in refineries for over 50 years. The plant is ISO 9001 and OSHA VPP certified and produces and certifies reference fuel according to required ASTM standards.
Main application: octane reference fuels
Chevron Phillips Chemical produces the high purity Primary Reference Fuels (PRF) needed to measure the octane number of gasoline fuels by octane number meter.
All fuels meet the specifications listed in ASTM D-2699 and D-2700 using reference fuel in research engines.
Chevron Phillips supplies the PRF chemicals Isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane) with an octane rating of 100 and Heptane with an octane rating of 0 as the main reference fuel for calibration checks.
Chevron Phillips Chemical offers a licensed blend of PRF Isooctane and PRF n-Heptane equivalent to octane ratings between 80-98 with a double door factor.
Reference mixtures of toluene, isooctane PRF and n-heptane PRF as authorized fuel certification reference according to ASTM D-2699 and ASTM D-2700 with octane values of 89.3, 93.4, 96.9 and 99.8 for secondary calibration against the primary reference of PRF mixed fuels Isooctane + 6.0 mL/gal Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) is also available for tests measuring octane numbers greater than 100 octane.
Octane number is determined by comparing the characteristics of gasoline to isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane) and heptane. Octane number is a scale to indicate the resistance of gasoline or other fuels to heat, pressure and spontaneous ignition (without spark). Isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane) is given a number of 100 and normal heptane is given a number of zero. The octane number of gasoline is the percentage of isooctane in normal heptane that has anti-knock properties equal to the tested gasoline under standard test conditions.
Isooctane analysis specifications

Octane 80 analysis specifications

As the official representative of American Chevron Philips company in Iran, Artin Azma company supplies all standard chemicals for use in octane and cetane engines as fuel references.
To receive more information about the analysis specifications of ISO octane and octane 80 reference material, please contact Artin Azma Mehr Company.