About Artin Azma Mehr Company

Lorem Epsom is a fake text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry, and using graphic designers, printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as necessary, and for the current conditions of the technology required, and diverse applications with the aim of improving the tools It is practical. Lorem Ipsum is a fake text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry, and it is used by graphic designers, printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as necessary, and for the current conditions of the technology required, and diverse applications. It aims to improve practical tools.

A look at the history of Artin Azma Mehr company

Lorem Epsom is a fake text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry, and using graphic designers, printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as necessary, and for the current conditions of the technology required, and diverse applications with the aim of improving the tools It is practical. Lorem Ipsum is a fake text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry, and it is used by graphic designers, printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as necessary, and for the current conditions of the technology required, and diverse applications. It aims to improve practical tools.

The core of Artin Azma Mehr Company

امیرحسین علوی فر

مدیر عامل

میلاد هوشیار

معاونت اجرایی

منا قربانپور

مدیر ارشد فروش

پیمان پاکرخ

معاونت بازاریابی و فروش

علی خسروی

مدیر ارشد فروش

طناز ظاهری

مدیر لجستیک

مریم شاکری

مسئول مالی

مهناز کرابی

مدیر فروش

ویدا ایمانی

مسئول روابط عمومی

رضا آذین

مدیر مهندسی فرآیند

عارف رستمی

مدیر فنی

حسام عباسی

مدیر برند کاتالیست
Why Artin Azma Mehr?

Lorem Epsom is a fake text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry, and using graphic designers, printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as necessary, and for the current conditions of the technology required, and diverse applications with the aim of improving the tools It is practical. Lorem Ipsum is a fake text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry, and it is used by graphic designers, printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as necessary, and for the current conditions of the technology required, and diverse applications. It aims to improve practical tools.

Photo Gallery

Our agencies

Lorem Epsom is a fake text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry, and using graphic designers, printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as necessary, and for the current conditions of the technology required, and diverse applications with the aim of improving the tools It is practical.

Our letters of representation

Lorem Epsom is a fake text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry, and using graphic designers, printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as necessary, and for the current conditions of the technology required, and diverse applications with the aim of improving the tools It is practical.

Agents of Artin Azma Mehr