One of the laboratory devices that has seen extensive use recently is the thermal cycler. Today, we aim to give you a closer look at this essential piece of lab equipment.
The thermal cycler is one of the laboratory devices and equipment that is used in clinical sciences and for DNA amplification. This device causes DNA replication with the help of a method called PCR principles.
This device works in three stages in the laboratory where it is used. First, the thermocycler device is used to identify the patient.
Second, for prenatal tests
Third, it is used for tests to determine the sex of the fetus and to check genetic relationships.

Thermal cycler technique
In the past, different methods were used to determine the gender of the fetus. One of those methods was that they had to send a specific gene into a suitable carrier in order to carry out the process of bacterial multiplication. This method and other methods that were performed required a long time and a lot of effort.
The construction and production of the thermal cycler solved this problem. In fact, this machine was built and produced in 1984, which has many advantages.
Advantages of the thermal cycler device
One of the most important advantages of the thermal cycler device is that it can examine the samples in the laboratories in one day, and because of its cheap and reasonable price, it is one of the widely used laboratory equipment.
This device has been able to bring about a great revolution in the diagnosis of diseases, criminal sciences, medical industries and microbiology and a great help in solving problems related to biomolecules that require a large amount of identical DNA.
Materials and tools necessary for using thermal cycler
DNA template
Deoxynucleotide triphosphate
Forward and reverse primers

Application of thermal cycler device
All the devices and equipment used in different laboratories have unique applications that are used when needed.
The thermal cycler device is very useful for diagnosing prenatal diseases and will help you to prevent the disease before the child is born so that your child is born healthy and does not suffer from genetic diseases.
Another use of this thermal cycler device is gender determination, which is widely used. Thermocycler devices are widely used in some laboratories to diagnose diseases such as AIDS.
It is necessary to know that this device is of great help to police forces for criminal investigations and is also a very useful tool for identifying identities.
Steps to work with a thermal cycler
The steps to use and operate the thermal cycler are as follows :
In the first step, known as denaturation, the solution is held at approximately 98°C for around 30 seconds. During this initial phase, the DNA strands separate, forming single-stranded DNA.
Following denaturation is the annealing step, during which the solution temperature is lowered to around 60°C for 20 to 40 seconds to allow successful primer binding.
The final step is extension, where the temperature is raised to 72°C, allowing the DNA strands to double in length.

Dos and Don’ts for Using a Thermal cycler
When preparing the reaction, add the positive control sample last.
Use a separate, dedicated pipette for each reagent.
Divide and freeze laboratory stock solutions, and regularly check their integrity.
When using any tube, spin it to collect any material that may have adhered to the sides or lid.
Use frozen stock solutions for confirmatory tests.
Always store amplified DNA away from the sample preparation area.
last word
Artin Azma Mehr Company, the official representative of Lumex in Iran, provides high-quality laboratory equipment and devices. Through consultation and guidance from this representative, you can select and purchase the most suitable equipment for your laboratory needs.