Organizer: Artin Azma Mehr Company along with Iran Oil Industry Research Institute
Date: 24/07/2019
Address: Iran, Tehran, west side of Azadi Sports Complex, Oil Industry Research Institute
Seminar schedule:
The first panel: specialized laboratory equipment in the field of oil and gas
LUMEX company: manufacturer of specialized laboratory equipment such as Atomic Absorption, Mercury Analyzer, FTIR
SPECTRON company: manufacturer of specialized laboratory equipment; Elemental analysis by EDXRF, WDXRF methods
NXA Company: Manufacturer of quality control equipment in the field of oil and oil derivatives production.
Second panel: refinery and petrochemical catalysts
PromCatalyst Company: Manufacturer of Sulfur Recovery, Hydro-treating, Isomerization, RFCC, RCD catalysts
IVKAZ company: producer of mercaptanization and desulfurization catalysts from oil cuttings and gas condensate
The third panel: visiting the laboratories of the downstream campus and the environment of the Iranian Oil Industry Research Institute.