
Educational workshop “Familiarity with laboratory testing methods of hydrocarbon samples”

Artin Azma Mehr Company, as a producer of process catalysts and a supplier of equipment for oil and gas and petrochemical laboratories, hosted domestic and foreign guests participating in the exhibition and made significant achievements in the field of familiarizing the visitors with the catalyst industry and settling mercaptan, demercaptanization and It has sulfur compounds.

In this conference, Dr. Hojatullah Kazemi, the 14th grade research professor and senior researcher of the Materials Analysis and Evaluation Center of the Oil Industry Research Institute, and Mr. Aref Rostami, the technical director of Artin Azma Mehr Company, who has expertise in working with elemental and molecular analysis devices, will provide information. .

The mentioned workshop is held in order to increase the capacity of companies producing light and heavy hydrocarbons and focusing on increasing the quality of manufactured products, product standardization and export control, and preventing the smuggling of the country’s natural resources, and solving questions and ambiguities surrounding these issues.

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