
Production of Euro-5 Gasoline with High Octane Number and Low Emissions

تولید بنزین یورو پنج با عدد اکتان بالا و آلایندگی پایین

According to the news in the refining sector on Monday, November 18, 2024, with the presence of the Deputy Oil Minister and CEO of the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company, Mr. Azimifar, and Mr. Veys Karami, CEO of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, the isomerization unit of Shiraz Refinery with a capacity of 5,000 barrels per day was inaugurated. The significance of this project lies in the production of Euro-5 gasoline with a high octane number and low emissions.

Artin Azma Chemical Industries Company, under a contract with the contractor company Jundi Shapur, was responsible for the revamp of the isomerization unit from UOP Penex technology to zirconia sulfate technology, as well as the supply, loading of the catalyst, and ultimately the commissioning of the isomerization unit. To discuss the progress of this project, we had a conversation with Dr. Amir Hossein Alavi Far, the CEO of this company, which follows below:

With what capacity has this unit been commissioned, and what objectives does it pursue?

The isomerization unit of Shiraz Refinery has been commissioned with a capacity of 5,000 barrels per day. The primary goal of this project is to improve the quality of gasoline produced by the refinery and to produce Euro-5 gasoline with higher environmental standards. This is achieved through a 20% increase in gasoline production, raising the octane number from 87 to 91, reducing benzene to less than 1%, aromatic compounds to less than 35%, and sulfur to less than 2 ppm. By reducing pollutants such as benzene, aromatic compounds, and sulfur, this unit significantly contributes to reducing air pollution and achieving Euro-5 standards. This translates into producing higher-quality and more environmentally friendly gasoline.

How long did this project take, and what was the investment made in it?

The implementation of this project began in 2019, after obtaining the technical knowledge from UOP in 2018 and signing an EPC contract with Jundi Shapur Company. After pre-commissioning and commissioning, which started in June of this year, the unit was inaugurated in October 2024. Artin Azma Company, under a contract with Jundi Shapur, has been responsible since 2024 for the revamping process from UOP technology to zirconia sulfate technology, as well as catalyst supply and unit commissioning. Fortunately, this unit, which for the first time in the country uses zirconia sulfate-based catalyst technology, has achieved all the defined goals, including higher octane, lower benzene, and the production of Euro-5 gasoline.


واحد ایزومریزاسیون پالایشگاه شیراز با نسل جدید کاتالیست های تامین شده توسط شرکت آرتین آزما افتتاح شد

واحد ایزومریزاسیون پتولید بنزین یورو پنج با عدد اکتان بالا و آلایندگی پایینالایشگاه شیراز با نسل جدید کاتالیست های تامین شده توسط شرکت آرتین آزما افتتاح شد

تولید بنزین یورو پنج با عدد اکتان بالا و آلایندگی پایین

What are the differences between the new catalytic technology and previous technologies?

As you are aware, the isomerization technology at Shiraz Refinery was purchased from UOP in 2015, and at that time, the older Penex technology, which uses alumina-based catalysts, was sold to Iran. In general, these catalysts have lower activity and selectivity compared to newer generation catalysts based on zirconia. Some advantages of the new generation catalysts include lower operating temperatures, no need for acidic agents to activate the catalyst (which are typically chemicals like perchloroethylene), and achieving a higher octane number, which is directly related to the higher conversion rate of these catalysts. In addition to the mentioned benefits, the lifespan of new generation catalysts is also longer compared to alumina-based catalysts.

The advantages you mentioned are primarily related to the economic importance of the new catalyst. Can you highlight a benefit that directly benefits the operators and experts of the unit?

That’s a very good question. In this regard, I would definitely highlight the increased resistance of this catalyst to poisoning. The sensitivity of this catalyst to moisture is ten times lower than that of the previous generation catalysts. Additionally, its poisoning by impurities in the feed, such as sulfur, nitrogen, and water, is short-term and does not permanently jeopardize the catalyst’s performance.

Importing state-of-the-art technologies for our oil and gas industry is of great importance. However, what measures can be taken to ensure that the use of these technologies is sustainable in the long term and available to a wide range of consumers within the industry?

At the beginning of 2023, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between the oil ministries of Russia and Iran, known as the roadmap for scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries. Under this MoU, which was signed by Iran’s Deputy Minister of Oil, Dr. Zeydifard, several technology-owning companies from both countries were added. One of these companies was the owner of the zirconia sulfate-based process catalysts. After the signing of this MoU, our company began its activities as a commercial partner of this company in Iran, focusing on technology transfer and domestic production of catalysts. These efforts led to the signing of two additional MoUs with the company Antarkas, the first in Novosibirsk and the second during a technology transfer seminar held in July 2024 at the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company. These MoUs focused on the domestic production of catalysts for isomerization, hydrotreater, reforming, and sulfur recovery (Super Clause).

Now, after the signing of these several MoUs, I am pleased to announce that an independent legal entity has been established with the participation of two Iranian companies (Artin Azma Mehr and Sanat Afarin Mahan – a producer of automotive catalysts) as well as the Russian company. This entity, under the supervision of the Catalyst Committee of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, is responsible for technology transfer and the domestic production of these catalysts in Iran.

In the process of this technology transfer for the country, what challenges did you face, and how did you manage them?

The biggest challenge in introducing a new technology that has not previously had a reference in the country’s industrial space (even though it has multiple global references) is convincing the operating company to accept the risk of using this technology. I would like to express my gratitude for the highly positive and constructive approach of the experts and managers at the Shiraz Oil Refining Company. From top to bottom, the company’s management, led by Mr. Dehghan, who is a chemical engineer with extensive knowledge of process-related topics, and all of his deputies and managers, were meticulously involved in numerous meetings with the licensor and intermediary companies. They created the foundation for this technology transfer. Of course, there were many other challenges, such as foreign exchange transfers, logistics related to importing valuable goods, customs, order registration, and foreign currency allocation, which are significant and fundamental issues. Unfortunately, these challenges have been present in nearly all development projects in the country these days.

What is your vision for the future of this unit and its impact on the Shiraz Refinery and the entire country?

With the launch of this unit, the Shiraz Refinery has taken a significant step toward producing higher-quality and more environmentally friendly gasoline. This will contribute greatly to improving air quality and reducing pollution. Additionally, the increased production capacity of gasoline will address market needs and provide clean fuel. For the entire country, I hope that with the full transfer of technology for producing these types of catalysts in Iran, through foreign investment and local expertise, we can encourage other refineries to adopt the new generation of catalysts in their isomerization units. The primary benefit of this will be the improvement of air quality and the well-being of the people of our beloved country.

Union of Exporters of Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Products of Iran
Artin Azma Mehr Chemical Industries


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