PromCatalyst is one of the largest catalyst companies in the Eurasian Oil and Gas industry with over 60 years of experience.
Artin Azma Mehr Company is representative of this company is ready to provide engineering consulting on environmental catalysts, isomerization unit, sulfur recovery unit, hydrotreating unit and …
CR-35. Reforming catalyst
Applied for catalytic reforming to improve naphtha octane rating and to produce BTX aromatic: toluene, benzene and xylene.
CR-56. Reforming catalyst (CCR)
Catalyst for CCR (continuous catalyst regeneration) reformers. Applied for reloading CCR reformer with capacity 450 thous.tons/year. Production of 98 RON reformate; reformate yield C5+94.7wt.%.
Hydrotreating unit catalyst
A catalyst for removing sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen compounds from petroleum fractions. It is used in refineries to produce ultra-low-sulfur motor fuels from middle distillates.
Isomerization unit catalyst
The low-temperature isomerization catalyst is based on sulfated zirconia and is primarily used in refinery processes within the isomerization units, applied to lighter cuts of naphtha and gasoline.
IVKAZ Sulfur Catalyst
IVKAZ is a highly effective and economical catalyst for the treatment of various sulfur compounds including hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans and other harmful sulfur compounds in petroleum and petroleum derivatives and industrial effluents.